Snowmobiling in St. Lawrence County
Today, St. Lawrence County boasts 710 miles of meticulously groomed trails and some of the best riding in New York State. Main Adirondack corridors connect to both the north and southeast corners of the county. The heart of the County's trail system is centered between South Colton and Cranberry Lake in the Adirondack Park. The Massena area is connected to trails centered in the Brasher State Forest. These trails are crisscrossed by numerous secondary trails.
Parking, gas, food, and lodging are available at some locations along snowmobile routes. Access points to the trails are often found at these establishments. Visit for more info.

Snowmobile Trail Access
Many parking and access points can easily be located in the small hamlets along the trail system. The County Snowmobile Association's Trail Map marks all access and parking areas including more remote points. The most popular, convenient, and easily found with accommodations are listed here.
Thanks to private landowners permission for access, and volunteers who maintain the routes, anyone can enjoy these trails. Snowmobile Club members not only enjoy riding the trails but are also responsible for maintaining a large portion of them.
Snowmobile Registration
All snowmobile riders, resident and non-resident, must register their sleds in New York State in order to ride on NYS trails. Registration is $100 if the owner does not belong to a NYS Snowmobile Association Member Club. If the owner joins one of the many clubs around the state, a voucher is issued and the registration fee is only $45.
NY State residents must have paid sales tax on sleds. Non-residents are exempt. Sleds may be registered at any NYS Department of Motor Vehicle Office throughout the state. Registration renewals are commonly processed by mail or at St. Lawrence County DMV offices:
80 State Highway 310, Canton: 315-386-1408 (M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm)
1227 State Highway 11, Gouverneur: 315-287-7034 (M-F 8:30am - Noon; 1:00pm - 4:00pm)
21 Harrowgate Commons, Massena: 315-764-1727 (M-F 8:30am - 4:00pm)
206-210 Ford Street, Ogdensburg: 315-393-5386 (M-F 8:30am - 11:00am; Noon - 4:00pm)