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If you're hosting your own Eclipse-related event, add it to our calendar for free so we can share it here!
Eclipse Merch
Get Your Totality Momentos and Souvenirs
Remember the event of a lifetime with some special Total Eclipse merch
Viewing Locations
Where will you witness Totality in STLC?
Find areas for parking and viewing or plan to experience Totality at a location where celebrations and events are happening
Viewing Timetable
Find out when to watch Totality
Depending on where you are in the county, the viewing times till vary slightly in duration and the exact timing of Totality.
STLC Totality Playlist
A Soundtrack for the Occasion
Check out this Youtube playlist we made for you to jam to during the eclipse or just at the office in preparation (like we do)
Totality Viewing in STLC
The first Partial Phase of the eclipse will begin at 2:11pm. TOTALITY will occur shortly after 3:23pm in St. Lawrence County and will last anywhere between 2m:18s to 3m:37s, depending on your viewing area. The second phase of the Partial Eclipse will conclude around 4:30pm. Click HERE for a STLC Total Eclipse Viewing Time Table & Location Map.
The Narrow Path of Totality in New York State
The path of totality traces a grand arc across western and northern New York, crossing both the Thousand Islands Region and the Adirondack State Park. Although New York shares the eclipse with Canada for the length of its journey across the state, most of the width of the path belongs to New York and the centerline travels through the Empire State exclusively.
From the Pennsylvania-New York border to the New York-Vermont border, the Moon's shadow travels approximately 359 miles along the centerline in 8 minutes and 57 seconds at an average speed of 2,405 miles per hour.

A Total Solar Eclipse in Five Stages
- Partial eclipse begins (1st contact): The Moon becomes visible over the Sun's disk. It looks like the Moon has taken a bite out of the Sun.
- Total eclipse begins (2nd contact): The Moon covers the entire disk of the Sun. Observers in the Moon's umbral path may be able to see the diamond ring effect and Baily's beads just before totality.
- Totality and maximum eclipse (the big event!): The Moon completely covers the disk of the Sun. Only the Sun's corona is visible. This is the most dramatic stage of a total solar eclipse. At this time, the sky goes dark, temperatures can fall, and birds and animals often go quiet. The midpoint of time of totality is known as the maximum point of the eclipse.
- Total eclipse ends (3rd contact): The Moon starts moving away, and the Sun reappears. Those fortunate enough to be in the Moon's umbral can see Baily's beads and the diamond ring effect just after totality ends.
- Partial eclipse ends (4th contact): The eclipse ends as the Moon leaves the Sun's disk.
Informational Webinar for Businesses & Locals
Check out our informational webinar with information about the science behind the solar eclipse along with tips, challenges, and tourism opportunities surrounding this epic event.
Part 1: Learn the Science Behind the Eclipse with Aileeen O'Donoghue, Henry Priest of Physics at St. Lawrence University. Aileen reviews how the sun and the moon align and what your experience surrounding Totality will look like.
Part 2: Preparing for Totality with Kathryn Puleo, Tourism & Events Manager for St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce. Kathryn reviews how businesses and communities in STLC can prepare for the eclipse including challenges and opportunities for the potential influx of tourism surrounding the eclipse (segment begins at 25m:15s).

Check out this coverage from North Country Public Radio:
"The total solar eclipse is months away. The North Country is already preparing."
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